(Click here for our full story on Meyer’s Breaking Dawn Concert Series, her musical muses and more.)
Meyer tells Rolling Stone she’ll take next year to work on Midnight Sun, a retelling of Twilight from the perspective of her male lead, Edward, that she began after discovering he was misunderstood by readers. Then there’s a possible sequel to her first adult novel, The Host (”Those characters are really hard to put away”), a potential ghost story (”I’m pretty excited about it because I get to make up my own world there”) and even a mermaid tale (”I love the idea, and I love the characters, but I don’t know if I can do it”).
Before the end of 2008, Meyer will also see the release of the Twilight movie. After viewing a rough cut for the first time, she tells Rolling Stone, “It just has the soul of the book — it had Bella and Edward’s relationship.” Meyer was also ecstatic that the film’s soundtrack will include “Super Massive Black Hole” by her favorite band, Muse (”It wouldn’t feel like this movie was based on something I did without Muse in it,” she laughs) and says she’s being consulted on the rest of the soundtrack, as well.
• Dawn of the Undead: Why Stephenie Meyer Gave her Vampire Series a Rock & Roll Soundtrack