Meanwhile, over at MTV.com, we have Stephenie Meyer’s reaction to the apparent backlash to “Breaking Dawn.” Personally, I hate to see people hurt her feelings so much. But everyone’s entitled to express their opinions, so please continue to do so.
Whether you loved or hated “BD,” I’m sure many of you are struggling with the same thing I am now that I’ve finished it: What do we do now? Other than read it again and read every scrap of news related to the movie while counting down the hours to December 12, I mean. I’m kind of in a daze now, constantly replaying the events of the entire series in my head over and over, and I’d like to snap out of it soon!
So what are you doing, Twilighters? Writing fan fic? Creating new Spunk Ransom blogs? Reading (gasp!) other books? Staring into the eyes of your newborn child? Let us know how you’re coping here!