Australian Site: Twilight_Aus (LiveJournal)
Australian Site: Twilight Australia
The Bella Cullen Project (Twilight Fan Band)
Bella Rocks! (Twilight-inspired band)
The Cullens and other Twilight characters
Edward and Bella for life and beyond
Edward Cullen - Every Girl's Dream
Edward Cullen the One and Only
Everglow -- EdwardandBella.net
FantasticTwiHards (youtube channel)
Fire and Ice: A Twilight Podcast
The Forbidden Fruit Tastes The Sweetest
The Forbidden Fruit: Twilight RPG
IFeltHope.net - A Jasper Hale and Alice Cullen Fansite
Kelmett (Kellan Lutz as Emmett)
La Tua Cantante (includes podcast)
The Lion fell in love with the Lamb (LiveJournal)
The Mitch Hansen Band (Twilight-Inspired Music)
MSN Group: Bella and Edward's Twilight
Myspace Blog: Fans of Jacob Black
Myspace Group: Edward, Bella and Jacob
Myspace Group: Edward Cullen is vampire love
Myspace Group: Official Cullenist Group
Myspace Group: Twilight Equals Love
Myspace Group: Twilight is My Bible
Myspace Group: We all want to be Bella
No More Marbles (on youtube.com)
Official Team Jempwarth Website
Once you go Black, you never go back! (Jacob Fan Club)
Paper Moons: A Twilight inspired RPG
Podcast of Twilight Vinculum: Twilighters Anonymous
Ramblings and Thoughts' Twilight section
Sort of Beautiful (LiveJournal)
SoulMates: A Jasper and Alice Fansite
South African site: TwilightSAFans
Spiritual Love: Esme and Carlisle
Twilight Amazing RP and Discussion
Twilight: Edward and Bella Fansite
Twilight Fansite: a very addictive book
Twilight Forever (Gaia profile)
Twilight Forever (on freewebs.com)
Twilight: forever bitten by its greatness
Twilight Forever: Where Twilight IS Forever (on freewebs.com)
The Twilight Forums (at forumotion.com)
Twilight Forums (at seethesun.org)
Twilight: If someone dared you...
Twilight Mania! (at weebly.com)
Twilight: Not just a book, a lifestyle!
Twilight Novel: Forever Twilight
The Twilight Saga for the Slightly Obsessed
The Twilight Saga (on webs.com)
Twilight Series Fandom (LiveJournal)
Twi-Hard (a site for Twilight saga fans)
Unconditionally and Irrevocably
Vegetarian Vamp: a Bella Swan Fansite
Welcome to Forks: A Twilight RPG
When you can live forever, what do you live for?
You Are Exactly My Brand of Heroin