Published by Larry Carroll on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 8:43 am.
You’ve spent the past year keeping a close eye on MTV and our “Twilight” Tuesday series, eager for the very latest in news about Stephenie Meyer’s underground vampire franchise. Now, just weeks before “Twilight” hits theaters (and as we publish our final ” ‘Twilight’ Stars Answer Fans’ Burning Questions,”) the phenomenon is finally breaking through to the mainstream – and MTV is eager to celebrate with our Twilighter friends.
MTV News will be holding a very special “Twilight” event in Los Angeles on November 7th, as we tape a television special celebrating the much-anticipated movie। “Twilight” stars Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and director Catherine Hardwicke will be in attendance to address the crowd, and they’ll premiere never-before-seen footage from the movie some two weeks before it hits theaters. Hardwicke will also take questions from attendees during a Q & A session.
Stay tuned for details about when the show will air on MTV, but before you begin abusing the “O”, “M” and “E” buttons on your keyboard, you’ll want to know this: MTV would like to thank you by filling our audience with the real, hardcore fans who’ve been following our “Twilight” coverage so loyally over all these months.
Here’s what you need to do: If you’re over 18, will be in Los Angeles on the 7th and can attend, post a comment below this article explaining why you are a true Twilighter. Have you memorized every line in the trailer, tattooed “Team Edward” on the small of your back, or named your baby Spunk Ransom? We want to know.
We’ll contact the authors of our favorite posts through their MTV accounts (so keep a close eye on that upper-left-hand-corner display that says “Mail”). You’ll need an account to post, so if you don’t already have one, please take a few moments to register.
Once we contact you, we’ll confirm your attendance and put your name on the list. Please note that we expect the event to fill up, and once it does we’ll need to turn everyone else away at the door. With the worlds of MTV and “Twilight” colliding once again, it promises to be a very special evening, so what are you waiting for? Get typing, Twilighters!