It’s a big night for Twilighters everywhere, as Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and surprise addition Cam Gigandet present at this year’s VMAs! We want to hear what you think about it.
Here’s what you do: After watching the VMAs, record your reaction to your favorite stars’ time on the VMA stage. Then visit our YouRHere site, register for a free account (if you haven’t already) and upload your video response by clicking on “Create an Upload.” Remember to tag it as “Twilight” and “VMAs” so we can find it.
Geek out and be as crazy, excited and truthful about it as you like! We want to know if you loved it, hated it or just wished it would have lasted at least half an hour longer. (But please watch the language; we can’t run any vids that have swearing!) We’ll be selecting some of the best to air on MTV and appear on the MTV Movies blog