
Sunday, August 3, 2008

Vampire series finale draws crowds

Bruce Ackerman/Star-Banner Kaitlin Tidwell, 14, left, and Jasmine Lovelace, 15, right, leave the store with copies of "Breaking Dawn" after the release of the book at Books-A-Million on Southwest College Road in Ocala on Saturday. Breaking Dawn is the fourth and final book in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer that is told from the perspective of Bella Swan and Jacob Black. It was released on Aug. 2 at midnight

Published: Sunday, August 3, 2008 at 6:30 a.m. Last Modified: Sunday, August 3, 2008 at 9:05 a.m.
OCALA -Young vampires, romantics and bookworms flooded two local bookstores late Friday night with one burning question on their minds: Will it be Edward or Jacob?

Bruce Ackerman/Star-Banner
Kaitlin Tidwell, 14, left, and Jasmine Lovelace, 15, right, leave the store with copies of "Breaking Dawn" after the release of the book at Books-A-Million on Southwest College Road in Ocala on Saturday. Breaking Dawn is the fourth and final book in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer that is told from the perspective of Bella Swan and Jacob Black. It was released on Aug. 2 at midnight.
Many bookstores across the nation kept their doors open late Friday for the midnight release of "Breaking Dawn," the much-anticipated fourth and final book in Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight" vampire romance series. The first book in the series was released in 2005, gaining a fast and fanatical following that has been compared to the Harry Potter craze. Further fanning the fervor, the "Twilight" movie is scheduled to open in December.
Written for young readers but loved by many adults as well, the novels chronicle a love triangle between a teen named Bella, a vampire named Edward and a werewolf named Jacob.
Ocala's Barnes & Noble and Books-A-Million stores held book-release parties that included trivia and costume contests. Collectively, the events attracted nearly 500 people. The festivities began in the Books-A-Million parking lot at 4 p.m. with a blood drive.
"That kids are still expressing so much excitement about a book with all the video games and things is great," said Deborah Roth, donor development coordinator for Florida's Blood Centers, noting the bloodmobile did not encounter any vampires but did pick up 12 donors.
At 10:30 p.m., when Barnes & Noble is usually quiet, teens, tweens and young adults buzzed about with excitement. A group of girls chatted wildly while waiting in line; their matching purple shirts read "Team Edward," a nod to the their preferred suitor for mortal Bella.
Meagan Williams wore a cape made from a garbage bag tied around her neck. The 15-year-old said she was so anxious to know the love triangle's outcome that she planned to read the ending of the novel first, she said.
"It better be Edward," she said.
A similar scene unfolded just a few blocks away at Books-A-Million, where fans waited for the stroke of midnight in a line that stretched the length of the store. As winners of the store's "Twilight" costume contest, Morgan Goss, 13, and Sarah Gonzales, 20, were awarded the first spots in the line.
"I can't wait," said Morgan, who wore a red, floor-length gown. "The first chapter always just grabs you're attention."
Blair Wilson, a "Twilight follower," believes the fantasy series has been wildly successful because its characters are "relatable," she said.
"It feels so real. The book is done so well you feel like it can actually happen," said Wilson's friend, an event volunteer who identified herself only as Sparkle Star. "Any girl who has ever felt like she couldn't be with who she wants to be with can relate."
The stores had nearly 200 pre-orders each for "Breaking Dawn."
Just before midnight, Books-A-million cashiers prepared for madness. High-pitched squeals leaked from the line as employees rolled out carts filled with books.
At midnight at Books-A-Million, the line surged forward after Morgan received the first copy, threw her hands in the air and screamed. Soon thereafter, more than 100 readers followed suit, grabbing their books and exiting the store while reading the opening pages.
More information about the "Twilight" series and the upcoming movie can be found at

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Interview with Twilight Cast and Crew

DAILIES TRANSCRIPT "Twilight Interview" INTERVIEWED: Taylor Lautner, Catherine Hardwicke, Stephenie Meyer, Robert Pattinson ORIGINAL AIR DATE: July 28, 2008 See where to watch ReelzChannel TV Mike Richards: Welcome to Dailies. I'm Mike Richards. Now as part of our Fan*tastic Summer we've taken Dailies on location, out of the soundstage to bring you the latest in all the big summer movies. And the big summer action was right here in Comi-Con, We're in San Diego, the big comic book and movie convention. A lot happened over the weekend, we've got it all covered for you. Let's start with the stars of Twilight who talked to me about meeting the very excited fans of this book, soon-to-be movie. Mike Richards: This is your first, sort of, interaction with the fans of Twilight and they're rabid fans. Taylor Lautner: It was good, you know, the fans they're, uh, they're crazy but they're passionate. I understand their passion for the book because I'm just as passionate for it. Mike Richards: Was there nerves bringing your books, your movie to Comic-Con? Catherine Hardwicke: Well I didn't wear white in case tomatoes were hurled at me but Stephanie was brave... Stephenie Meyer: I wasn't afraid. Mike Richards: We've talked to the cast a little bit about being on the set, that it didn't feel like this big, huge movie but now that it's here you're, I'm watching them begin to get overwhelmed. Did you guys give them any advice? Stephenie Meyer: I did lean over to Rob today with the screaming and said, "I apologize for what I've done to your life." (laughs) Robert Pattinson: It's a terrifying sound, like, hearing 6,000 people screaming. It sounds like the devil is coming down or something.

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