A very clean cut Cam (unlike his shaggy-haired character), told us why he enjoyed playing the villain in Never Back Down, what his most memorable moment on set for Twilight was thus far, and how he keeps that fine body of his in shape. He also has a special message for anyone attending the premiere - all we can say is watch your back audience members!
Check out the video aquí.
'Twilight' author ready to face a new dawn
Stephenie Meyer, the Twilight Saga author, appeared Tuesday at the Harris Theater on her “Breaking Dawn” tour, which also featured Justin Furstenfeld.
She's been trumpeted as the next J.K. Rowling, although author Stephenie Meyer deals with adolescent, blood-gorging vampires instead of meek and wizardly orphans. Meyer herself resists the comparisons to the English author, but with the release of the fourth and final entry of her hit Twilight Saga series, the sheer delirium when she appeared Tuesday night at Harris Theater was something even Draco Malfoy couldn't have conjured up.
To promote her new book, Meyer has launched the "Breaking Dawn" tour, which features the author fielding fans' questions and a performance by Justin Furstenfeld of the group Blue October.
Outside the Harris, a sea of teenage girls formed a line on Randolph Street that stretched toward Michigan Avenue. With copies of Breaking Dawn in hand and T-shirts inscribed with "I heart Edward Cullen" and "Team Jacob," they engaged in high-pitched chatter that just would not cease. The young-lit critics were eagerly voicing their own reviews.
Chelsea Bliefernicht from Watertown, Wis., "liked the book because it was a kind of a happy ending," and because she's "a hopeless romantic." Megan Vaughn from Hyde Park was "completely blown away by Breaking Dawn. Another fan named Megan, who flew in from Augusta, Ga., didn't equivocate and declared it to be "the most amazing thing" she'd ever read. Several young males with copies clutched to their chest refused to be quoted or give out their names.
As the fans headed indoors, camera phones and Nikons went berserk while piped-in Alanis Morissette and Interpol pumped up the crowd. When 7:10 p.m. rolled around, Furstenfeld, the musical guest and inspiration for the Twilight Saga, began to strum six songs on his guitar (three by himself, three sitting next to the author). Furstenfeld described himself as a "drama king" and that also might describe his mercilessly achy ballads such as "Hate Me," "My Never" and "Sound of Pulling Heaven Down."
When the Queen of the Undead herself strolled onstage, hysteria ensued. For 20 minutes, she fielded questions ranging from the book's controversial ending to the role of sex in her books.
Now that the devout Mormon is moving beyond her Bella/Edward saga, she's already mapping out some new ideas. "My whole life isn't vampires," she said. "I want to explore ghosts, mermaids and time-travel, too."
Meyer then braced herself for the task of signing nearly every one of the sold-out crowd's books. Now here's an author as rabidly devoted as her fans.
Bryant Manning is an editor at TimeOut Chicago.
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