Every day millions of teenage girls sign onto the internet to; act like idiots on YouTube, socialize with their friends, and do whatever teenage girls do on the internet. Every day millions of perverts sign onto the internet onto to watch teenage girls on YouTube, talk to teenage girls on the internet, and do whatever else perverts do on the internet. I imagine keeping up on the latest teenage trends is tiring. You don’t want to get caught talking about Miley Cyrus dating Nick Jonas, because OMG that it so not true, Cyrus is a skank. Jonas is like dating Selina Gomez. U R so STUPID!

We’re kidding, this is just a quick guide to the new Twilight movie, but who else would be interested in something like this besides teenage girls and perverts? And I’m willing to bet we get more perverts than teen girls here at HYB!
Twilight 101:
Twilight the book (via wikipedia): Twilight is a young adult vampire novel written by author Stephenie Meyer, originally published in hardcover in 2005. It is the first book of the Twilight series, and introduces seventeen-year-old Isabella “Bella” Swan who moves from Phoenix, Arizona to Forks, Washington, and finds her life in danger when she falls in love with a vampire, Edward Cullen.
Twilight the movie(via wikipedia): Twilight is being adapted into a film by Summit Entertainment. The film is being directed by Catherine Hardwicke and stars Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson as protagonists Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen, respectively. The screenplay was adapted by Melissa Rosenberg. The movie is set to be released in North America on November 21, 2008
The Characters (via Filmgrenade.com)
Bella Swan - Played by Kristen Stewart — Isabella “Bella” Marie is the daughter of Charlie Swan and Renee Dwyer. Charlie and Renee were married at a very young age, and Bella was born soon after. After some time they divorced and Bella moved to Phoenix, Arizona with her mother. Bella’s mother eventually married a baseball player named Phil, and this made Bella feel like she was holding her mother back from living a good life. So she decided to move back to Forks, Washington with her father. Once she gets to Forks she meets and falls deeply in love with the a boy named Edward Cullen. She soon finds out that Edwards and his family are vampires but decides to stay with him where they continue to fall deeper for each other.
Edward Cullen - Played By Robert Pattinson — Edward Anthony Masen Cullen is the human son of Elizabeth and Edward Masen born on June 20, 1901 and died in 1918. Edward suffered from the Spanish Influenza when he was 17 years old. The only one who could save him was a mysterious young doctor named Carlisle Cullen. The only way to keep Edward alive was to transform him into a vampire. Both of Edward’s parents had eventually died from the Influenza pandemic. He was reborn and currently lives in Forks, Washington with his adoptive vampire family. His new parents Esme and Carlisle, and siblings Alice Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Rosalie Hale and Jasper Hale.
Dr.Carlisle Cullen - Played By Peter Facinelli — Dr. Carlisle Cullen is a Vampire who is seen as a father figure to the Cullen family. He was born in the 1640’s and lead an attack on a group of Vampires. He crossed paths with one vampire and ended up getting bitten and turned into one himself. Carlisle hated being a vampire and tried to kill himself in many different ways and obviously failed every time. He became desperate and tried saving himself when he crossed paths with wild animals which he attacked. Carlisle discovered that he could survive off of animal blood instead of humans. Carlisle works in Forks hospital and no longer has a flavor for human blood. One day in the Early 1900s, he came across a teenager suffering from influenza and decided to save him because of his begging mother.
Esme Cullen - Played By Elizabeth Reaser — Esme Cullen is Carlisle’s wife and was once a human as well. Carlisle turned her after she attempted to commit suicide due to her sons death from a lung infection. She is the second person Carlisle turned and is a very loving person. She accepts Bella right away and is grateful for her being there for Edward. She is the adoptive mother to Edward, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett.
Jasper Hale - Played By Jackson Rathbone — Jasper Whitlock also known as Jasper Hale to non-family was born in 1844. He was involved in the Civil War on the Confederate side at the age of 17, but he lied and said he was 20. He was quickly promoted to a Major and served during the 1st Battle of Galveston. While evacuating women and children he saw three women who turned out to be vampires (Nettie, Maria and Lucy). They decided that he would be a perfect member for their vampire army.
For the complete guide click here
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Thus, a few key aspects of the production are getting further attention. One redone scene shows Edward (Robert Pattinson) playing Bella's lullaby. During the movie's initial shoot, Pattinson performed the scene while improvising with his own music; now he's playing the actual song, which has been written by veteran film composer Carter Burwell (best known for working with the Coen brothers). "[Pattinson] is a great pianist, long vampire fingers," Hardwicke says. And if that doesn't whet your appetite, Hardwicke also reshot the bedroom kissing scene on Thursday. The first time around, Kristen Stewart, the actress who plays Bella, was still 17, and between juggling three hours of school work per day plus numerous camera setups, the scene was never finished. Hardwicke also shot a few new scenes: more of Jacob, more on the Cullens' backstory, and more footage in the meadow. Says the director, "It's all just icing on the cake."
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Photo Credit: Deana Newcomb

In a note posted to her official website Thursday, author Stephenie Meyer tells her readers she has decided to discontinue "Midnight Sun," her planned retelling of "Twilight" from the teenage vampire Edward's perspective, after an unfinished draft was illegally posted and distributed on the Internet without her knowledge or permission.
If I tried to write "Midnight Sun" now, in my current frame of mind, James would probably win and all the Cullens would die, which wouldn't dovetail too well with the original story. In any case, I feel too sad about what has happened to continue working on "Midnight Sun," and so it is on hold indefinitely.
Meyer had originally made the only first chapter available on her site. Because the project is now virtually killed, she's made the incomplete draft available as well, but cautions that "the writing is messy and flawed and full of mistakes."
I rather my fans not read this version.... It was only an incomplete draft.... But to end the confusion, I've decided to make the draft available.... I hope this fragment gives you further insight into Edward's head and adds a new dimension to the Twilight story. That's what inspired me to write it in the first place.
This has been a roller-coaster year for Meyer, who just completed a successful concert book series but has also had to answer for some of the backlash directed at "Breaking Dawn," the fourth and final installment of the "Twilight" saga.
But fans shouldn't fret: There's only three months until "Twilight" hits movie theaters.
As for Meyer, she's about to step behind the camera to direct a new music video for Jack's Mannequin's "The Resolution." The band is a favorite of the author's and appears on her online playlists.
-- Denise Martin

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince' changes release dates and sends Hollywood into a tizzy
Harry Potter fans are seething. Twilight devotees are in a state of giddy rapture. Will Ferrell's getting nervous. And someone had better perform CPR on the editors of Entertainment Weekly.
All because Warner Bros. decided last week that they needed one more blockbuster for the summer of 2009. The studio's announcement that Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince would be pushed back from its long-planned Nov. 21 release date this year to July 17 of next year was the pebble that started an avalanche of second-guessing and opportunistic rescheduling.
Driven by greed, hype and hope, the business of exactly when to release a movie can seem inscrutable to outsiders। The sixth big-screen entry in the hugely successful Potter franchise had had the Thanksgiving weekend to itself; no studio was foolish enough to release a competing film against such a behemoth. With Prince decamped to 2009, though, a sudden void existed. Hollywood abhors a vacuum: Immediately Disney moved its 3-D family cartoon Bolt up from Nov. 26 to Nov. 21. Then the baby studio Summit Entertainment decided to move Twilight to Nov. 21. (Twilight is the first film based on Stephenie Meyer's best-selling vampire romance novels and a movie awaited by millions of mostly young, mostly female, mostly panting readers.)
Good news, bad news
That lets the one-time competition for Twilight, 20th Century Fox's big-budget remake of the 1951 classic The Day the Earth Stood Still, starring Keanu Reeves, have the weekend of Dec. 12 all to itself. Good news for Mr. Reeves, bad news for Mr. Ferrell, whose 2009 summer blockbuster Land of the Lost (another remake) is now in a July 17 stare-down with Harry Potter. Someone has to blink, and it will probably be Universal, which doubtless has Land of the Lost theme-park blueprints drawn up.
Why this insane chess game? Why does Hollywood care? In a word: profits. Two words, really: maximized profits. The decision to move Half-Blood Prince came because Warner looked ahead to the future and saw the ravages of the past. Specifically, the 2007 writers strike had left the studio's summer 2009 slate lacking what the business calls a tentpole, a big-event picture that can drive the planning, spending and strategic release patterns of the company's entire output.
The dearth must have been critical, despite Warner's plans to release Terminator Salvation in May '09, because no studio moves a tentpole at the last minute without a reason. Too many of the ancillary deals that make up the real business of the modern entertainment industry depend on a release date established early and adhered to. The Dark Knight was a July 18, 2008, release as of May 2007, because four scenes shot in the IMAX process meant the film had a hard date in IMAX theaters. And because Knight was anchored in place, other studios could plan around it, as could the various licensers who cling to a movie like remoras to a shark: video-game companies, toy manufacturers, fast-food chains, etc.
Who knows? Maybe Warner felt it had made enough money with The Dark Knight for 2008 and decided to spread the wealth to '09. (Just kidding.) More likely, the studio had one strong year and didn't want the following year to pale in comparison. The uprooting of Half-Blood Prince was sudden and unexpected, and, among others, it left the studio's corporate cousin, Entertainment Weekly, with a Harry Potter-themed fall preview issue on newsstands and serious egg on its face. (The decision to move Prince was announced on a Thursday; the magazine goes to the printer on Tuesdays.)Hype helps
The release-date game has as much to do with hype as profits. Summit was delighted to bump Twilight up a month, because reader mania and media coverage reached near-Potter levels when the final book in the series, Breaking Dawn, hit stores this summer. The closer the film is released to the fumes of free publicity, the better it may perform.
The strange case of the Tom Cruise drama Valkyrie offers an example of how an unreleased movie can rise and fall on the whims of buzz. A World War II movie about Col. Claus von Stauffenberg (played by Mr. Cruise), a Nazi officer who led an unsuccessful plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler, the Bryan Singer film was originally scheduled to open Aug. 8, after a troubled location shoot in Germany. Then it bounced to June 28, where it was up against strong (if diverse) competition in WALL-E and Wanted.
The chance to film an extra battle scene and a sense that Valkyrie might have Oscar potential resulted in a shift to Oct. 3, in the heart of awards season. Then the film got moved to Feb. 13, 2009, not a good sign, since February and August have long been viewed as a dumping ground for films that just didn't work.
And then, the same day Tropic Thunder was released to raves for Mr. Cruise's stealth role as a Hollywood producer, Valkyrie was moved again, to Dec. 26 of this year. The word is that a test screening went well, but it's hard to dismiss the notion that the star is back in moviegoers' good graces for the first time in years and that the studio hopes to piggyback on the warm fuzzies.
Occasionally two studios will engage in a stare-down with similar movies on the same date. This is almost always a bad idea for the worse of the two. Case in point: Warner's Get Smart with Steve Carell and Paramount's The Love Guru with Mike Myers were both scheduled early on for a June 20 release this summer. Neither budged, and when reviews savaged the Myers comedy, Get Smart benefited, a case of box office schadenfreude.
On the other hand, Universal's decision to launch Mamma Mia! directly into the teeth of the Dark Knight juggernaut on July 18 proved to be a brilliant stroke of counterprogramming that gave older female audiences something to watch while the rest of the family lined up for Batman.